Men's Bible Study


Mon-Thurs 9a-4p, Friday by prior appointment only. 712-472-9016

Men's Bible Study

1st & Third Thursday's of the month at Town & Country Park's "South Shelter House"

6:15- 7:30pm from May - September

As we journey through life, we are often met with challenges, questions, and moments of reflection. In these times, there is nothing more powerful than the support and camaraderie of our fellow brothers in faith. That's why I am thrilled to extend a heartfelt invitation to you to join our Men's Bible Study group.

Fellowship is a cornerstone of our faith journey, offering us companionship, encouragement, and a sense of belonging. Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect from joining our Men's Bible Study:

1. **Brotherly Support**: In our Men's Bible Study, you will find a group of like-minded men who are eager to support and uplift one another in our walk with Christ. Whether you're facing challenges at work, in your family, or in your personal life, you can count on your brothers in faith to be there for you with open hearts and listening ears.

2. **Accountability and Growth**: As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another (Proverbs 27:17). Our Men's Bible Study provides a supportive environment where we can hold each other accountable in our spiritual growth and discipleship. Together, we will challenge one another to dive deeper into God's Word, grow in our faith, and live out our Christian calling with integrity and purpose.

3. **Encouragement and Inspiration**: There is power in shared experiences and testimonies of God's faithfulness. In our Men's Bible Study, you will have the opportunity to share your journey of faith, as well as to hear the stories and insights of your brothers in Christ. Through these shared moments of encouragement and inspiration, we can strengthen our faith and draw closer to God.

4. **Friendship and Brotherhood**: The bonds of brotherhood forged in our Men's Bible Study extend beyond our weekly meetings. As we study God's Word together, pray for one another, and share in fellowship, we are building lasting friendships that will sustain us through life's ups and downs. You will find in our group a community of brothers who will walk alongside you, celebrate your victories, and lift you up in prayer.

Brothers, I invite you to join us in our Men's Bible Study as we embark on this journey of fellowship, growth, and discipleship together. Whether you're new to the faith or have been walking with Christ for years, there is a place for you in our group. Come as you are, with an open heart and a willingness to grow, and let us journey together in the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.