Who We Are


Mon-Thurs 9a-4p, Friday by prior appointment only. 712-472-9016

About Atlas of Lyon County

ATLAS is a faith-based, non-profit, community organization existing to:

Help the Hurting,
Equip the Followers of Jesus &
Unite the Community.

ATLAS strives to help those in our community who are hurting or are in need by:

Providing a welcoming place of contact,

Sharing Jesus as the way to life and lasting change

Providing a connection to a local church.

Assessing needs & working with an individual or family on a plan that has measurable objectives to reach an overall goal.

Providing resources to develop life skills and work toward overall independence and connection to followers of Christ.

Referring to other professional services as needed,

ATLAS works closely with the local churches to:

Select Christians who are willing to serve as mentors,
Connect Christians with those who are hurting and in need,
Equip, encourage, and empower Christians to walk with others through life’s situations &
Provide the necessary support and resources to keep these relationships strong.

How does it work?

ATLAS is supported by interested community members who want to be a part of what God is doing to help those who have spiritual, emotional, physical, and (in emergency circumstances) financial needs.

Each contribution given to ATLAS helps strengthen those in need, so that one day the person or family can be strong enough to strengthen, encourage, and financially bless others.